
Showing posts from August 30, 2020

Motivational Quotes- Importance of Parents

  "This world will leave you for your smallest mistake no matter how many better things you have done. But your parents will never leave you even for your biggest mistake".

Motivational Quotes- Importance of Parents

  "The only person who invests or spends his entire earnings on you without any expected return is your father".

Fitness Motivation

    " Taking care of your physical fitness not only makes you look good but it makes you mentally healthy".

Motivational Quote- Depression

 " People who cannot cope with life's problems and have unnecessary expectations from every job because of their greed, usually commit suicide or get depressed".

Motivational Quote- Being practical

  "Never get depressed because of your work, your love, your family or friends. Your one small life can be useful for billions of needy". Being practical!

Love Quotes- Feelings

 " Life is too short, don't be afraid to share your feelings to the person you want. They may accept you or ignore you but you will feel relaxed".

True Love Quotes- Love and profession

"Leave the partner who takes your relationship professionally. That person will never understand your feelings and is with you only for their own benefit".

Love Quotes- Life Partner

  "It is an achievement for you to meet such a life partner who cares and respects you. Because your beauty comes with expiry date".

Motivational Quotes- Failure and Success

  "Every failure and bad experience always brings new opportunities".

Love Quotes- Honesty in love

  "A selfish and greedy person can never handle your honesty in a relationship. They can even publicly insult you to get rid of you".

Life Quotes- Risk and Achievements

  "Calculative risk is the beginning of great decisions and great achievements".

Life Quotes- Honesty and Patience

  "Honesty and patience are rewarded. Dishonesty and selfishness gets paid off".

Life Quotes- Being practical

  "If someone ignores you, it means that they are giving you a reason to be stronger than ever".

True love Status- Importance of Feelings

  "If someone truly loves you, never insult them in public and never take that relationship professionally"

Motivational Status- Opportunities

  "Keep a close eye on what you are doing. Because there are very few opportunities".

Life Status- Being practical

        "Nobody is interested in your pain. Stop expecting sympathy"